Sunday, June 14, 2009

Third Eye Chakra


Located between and approximately one finger space above the brow. Colour is indigo ( representing the search and attainment of spiritual purpose ).
Governed by the pituitary gland, it looks after our face, eye, ears, nose, sinuses, cerebellum and central nervous system.

The Third Eye Chakra is involved with our intuition and our inner seeing, our higher consciousness, emotional and spiritual love centre,
plus helps you to see all circumstances around you, and it is the key
to wisdom, knowledge and truth.

If the Third Eye Chakra is open and balanced, you may be very imaginative, intuitive and creative. You may have psychic abilities and be able to see, feel, or know things that other people, whose Third Eye is less developed, may not.
If this Chakra is more developed than other centres, you may have difficulty relating to the everyday routine and physical matters, and will be too much ''in the clouds''.

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